OJSC "Mogilev Meat-packing plant"

OJSC 'Mogilev Meat-packing plant" is one of the largest enterprises of the Republic of Belarus, which was founded in 1905. During this time, the plant has gone through a long and complicated path of transformation into a stable and modern enterprise. Our enterprise is a reliable, long-term business partner, who has maintained high quality of products.

The enterprise is equipped with new, modern, technological equipment, as well as it has highly skilled specialists with extensive production experience and technological knowledge. The strict sanitary standards, established at the plant, guarantee high quality and environmental safety of products.

The plant has high quality assessment of products, which is confirmed by numerous awards of specialized exhibitions and competitions. OJSC "Mogilev Meat-Packing Plant" is a certified exporter of beef to China.

Republic of Belarus, 212013 Mogilev, Dimitrova avenue, 11